Part 16 - Hacking ADD

For a complete table of contents of all the lessons please click below as it will give you a brief of each lesson in addition to the topics it will cover.

Let’s again review our ADD example below:

Let’s debug:

We see the value of 67 decimal is being moved into r1 below:

Let’s hack! Lets set r1 = 66!

Now we see we have hacked the program so when it adds the values it will have a different output. If you remember back to the last lecture, r0 = 120. Here we see we have hacked r1 and now the value of r0 is 119!

This is the power of understanding assembly. This is a VERY simple example however with each new series as I have stated we will create a program, debug and hack it.

This combination of instructions will help you to get hands on experience when learning how to have absolute control over an application and in the case of malware reverse engineering gives you the ability to make the binary do exactly what you want!

Next week we will dive into ADDS.

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