Part 1 – The Cyber Revolution

For a complete table of contents of all the lessons please click below as it will give you a brief of each lesson in addition to the topics it will cover.

I often wonder when I see all the latest hacks on a variety of networks, computers and IoT devices how many people really have even the most basic understanding of what goes on down to the microprocessor level.

For years I have published x86 and ARM Assembly and Reverse Engineering tutorials with the intent of opening up the eyes of the public to better understand what Assembly Language is in addition to the notion that there is actually more than just the decimal number system.

Today we have drones, AI, IoT and smart devices that the public rarely understands what the true impact is on their privacy or security.

Everything is Cyber. No matter what you do or where you go or where you live or where you work you will be forced to engage "The Cyber Revolution".

This tutorial series is your opportunity to learn FREE OF CHARGE the very basics of x64 Assembly. Naturally you might ask what is x64 Assembly and why would I possibly want to understand the basics of it let alone Reverse Engineering?

Just about every computer and server today including the cloud runs on an x64 based chipset. Just about every phone, IoT and tablet device runs on an ARM chip (with a number of exceptions). Our last tutorial series dove deep into the ARM chip so if you would like to dive in please review the archives here on my LinkedIn profile.

Understanding x64 will give you a better idea of the very infrastructure that supports just about everything we do. You do not have to have any computer science skills to take this FREE course. Simply a few minutes of your time once a week will do.

Let's dive in!

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